Learning.md: Notes from learning to work with the Semantic.Works stack
A way to install docker-ember without having to change your path, compliant with Linux directory standards (I think), and having it all neatly tucked away.
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cd /usr/local/lib/ git clone https://github.com/madnificent/docker-ember.git cd ../bin/ ln -s ../lib/docker-ember/bin/* .
Usually symbolic links are made using absolute paths, but in /usr/local/ it’s not unheard of to use relative (npm, for example, does this).
User namespace
If you don’t want every file generated to be owned by root, change the userns-remap! This might especially be beneficial in production environments where security is key. Check the Docker documentation for more info.
Now, the default way is mapped out here. Below are the changes I made to both steps, and why.
Skipping this step causes EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '...' when trying to mount/create files using Docker.
Original step:
echo "$( whoami ):$(id -u):65536" | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid
echo "$( whoami ):$(id -g):65536" | sudo tee -a /etc/subgid
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- I think the provided command didn't work for me because /etc/{subuid,subgid} had existing values for my user (`...:100000:65536`). I tried ignoring the existing values and just adding the new values to the end of the file. But to no avail: the created files' ownership belonged to the UID/GUID of the pre-existing values, not (easily) editable for my own user. - New step: - Replacing the existing value for my user in the file. `...:100000:65536` --> `...:1000:65536` & `...:100:65536` in subuid subgid respectively.
#### daemon.json Instead of editing the service startup, you can use the daemon config file!
Edit `/etc/docker/daemon.json`, and add the following ```json { /* ... */ "userns-remap": "username:group" }
According to the documentation, you can use "UID:GID", but I used "username:groupname". Alternatively, you can set the value to default, which then uses a user generated by Docker.
Afterwards, restart the docker service using systemctl restart docker.service. If Docker fails to start, you can use dockerd --debug.
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cd /usr/local/bin/ rm ed edi edl eds cd ../lib/ rm -rf docker-ember/
Full-reset a crashed virtuoso container
Note: this will probably remove all data. So don’t do this if there’s important data. But if you’re like me and had a goofed container from minute 1, here’s how you fully remake it!
INSERT DATA { GRAPH <http://mu.semte.ch/application> { bands:metallica a ext:Band; bands:name "Metallica"; mu:uuid "ae0987ea98ea09870e980e9a0". bands:kayaproject a ext:Band; bands:name "Kaya Project"; mu:uuid "be0987ea98ea09870e980e9a0". bands:ledzeppelin a ext:Band; bands:name "Led Zeppelin"; mu:uuid "ce0987ea98ea09870e980e9a0". bands:kayaproject a ext:Band; bands:name "Pearl Jam"; bands:description "Pearl Jam is an American rock band, formed in Seattle, Washington in 1990."; mu:uuid "de0987ea98ea09870e980e9a0". bands:radiohead a ext:Band; bands:name "Radiohead"; mu:uuid "ee0987ea98ea09870e980e9a0". bands:redhotchilipeppers a ext:Band; bands:name "Red Hot Chili Peppers"; mu:uuid "fe0987ea98ea09870e980e9a0".
graph TD one[do we hit mu-cl-resources?] two[is the type the type I expect it to be?] three[is there data in the triplestore of that type?] four["where is the data of that type (graphs)"] five[which properties are known for that type?] six[is mu-authorization involved] seven[does mu-authorization fetch data from where it's at?] one-->two-->three-->four-->five-->six-->seven